Thursday, March 17, 2016

She Came Running Downstairs Screaming In Pain... Cause Is Your Worst Nightmare

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We have become so dependent on gadgets.

It's impossible to imagine a single day without using any sorts of technology. You would never have thought about the horrible consequences that can happen to you from the misuse of these gadgets. They can hurt you in many ways.
Read the story of a girl who had never expected such injury from usual cellphone use.

Gabbie is a 13-year old girl who lives in Chicago.

Gabbie is a 13-year old girl who lives in Chicago.
As she reached the age to be responsible enough for possessing a phone, she was gifted a new mobile phone on Christmas.

T-Mobile LG d500 was Gabbie's new phone.

T-Mobile LG d500 was Gabbie's new phone.
Like anyone else, even she was curious and started exploring her phone.

When Gabbie was casually using her phone when one fine day..

When Gabbie was casually using her phone when one fine day..
She screamed and came running downstairs.

Her mother was shocked to find out that..

Her mother was shocked to find out that..
Gabbie's cellphone had caused second degree burns on her neck.

Gabbie's mother Jackie would never had expected a normal cellphone to cause her daughter to suffer so much pain.

Gabbie's mother Jackie would never had expected a normal cellphone to cause her daughter to suffer so much pain.
Jackie was shocked that the thing that we use everyday could be this dangerous.

Jackie described, "She came running downstairs after it happened."

Jackie described, "She came running downstairs after it happened."
She added, "She was in so much pain she was screaming hysterically."

The teen explained the situation.

The teen explained the situation.
It seems that she was using the phone when it was connected to a wall charger.

So, that touched her necklace.

So, that touched her necklace.
An electric current was transmitted to her neck and she got burnt in that region.

Overheating of the lithium battery causes burns from cellphones.

Overheating of the lithium battery causes burns from cellphones.
Though this occurrence is rare but, many cases have been reported and are still being reported per year.

Stop using third party chargers.

Stop using third party chargers.
Better use the charger that has been given to you by the manufacturer alongwith the phone.

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