Thursday, March 17, 2016

11 Things About Astronaut Kalpana Chawla, The World Needs To Know

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“When you look at the stars and the galaxy, you feel that you are not just from any particular piece of land, but from the solar system.” – Kalpana Chawla
The whole world witnessed a grave tragedy when 13 years ago, NASA’s Space Shuttle Columbia got disintegrated. As the crew was returning home to be welcomed, the tragedy claimed their lives mercilessly. Among them was Kalpana Chawla. The proud Women who was an inspiration to women worldwide.
Kalpana, the first Indian women in Space, would have been 54 today. On her birth anniversary, we reminisce snippets from the life of this inspirational lady.

1. The birthplace

1. The birthplace
She was born on March 17th in Karnal, Haryana. Being from an average family, she decided to beat her circumstances to become the first Indian woman in space.

2. Glance at schooling

2. Glance at schooling
She completed her B.Tech in Aeronautical Engineering from Punjab Engineering College. She wasn’t a "first" girl, but one among the brightest in her class.

3. Higher Studies

3. Higher Studies
She obtained her MSc degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas after she moved to the USA in 1982.

4. Not only study

4. Not only study
Her skills were also profoundly portrayed in the fields of dancing, cycling, running, poetry and dancing.

5. The pretty nickname

5. The pretty nickname
She was named Manto but afterwards she selected the name Kalpana and used the other as a nickname.

6. Journey of love

6. Journey of love
In 1983, she married Jean-Pierre Harrison. He was an aviation author and flying instructor.

7. Connection with NASA

7. Connection with NASA
Before becoming an astronaut, she held different positions in the organization. She was Vice President of Overset Methods, Inc at NASA Research Centre.

8. Dream to fly

8. Dream to fly
Long before becoming an astronaut, she accomplished her love for flying by becoming a Certificated Flight Instructor for glider and airplanes. Also, she had a commercial pilot license for the glider, multi-engine airplanes, and seaplanes.

9. The citizenship and application

9. The citizenship and application
She became a USA citizen in 1991, she applied for the membership of NASA Astronaut corps.

10. Invitation to India

10. Invitation to India
Then-Prime Minister of India, IK Gujral, spoke with her during her STS-87 mission. This proud Indian was supposed to visit this country but sadly it never took place.

11. Awards

11. Awards
She received NASA Distinguished Service Medal and Congressional Space Medal of Honor and NASA Space Flight Medal.

Always alive

Always alive
Sadly she is not among us anymore but is still alive in the memory of thousands of her admirers and also among the things named after her. -A hill on Mars -A planetarium in Kurukshetra, near Karnal -A NASA Supercomputer -India's first weather satellite, the Kalpana 1 -An asteroid, the 51826 Kalpanachawla. It circles between Jupiter and Mars.

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