Tuesday, May 24, 2016

This Woman Found A Creepy Tarantula In Her Kitchen But When She Looked Closely...Weird!

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While a Brazilian guy found an anaconda lying in his bathroom, this American woman on the other hand was scared to find a weird crawly creature in her kitchen. I wonder what these monsters exactly need to do in our washrooms and kitchens.
This weird creature seems to be an extinct species at the first sight, but actually it is a monkey slug caterpillar. Their sting can actually hurt you. The video gave me nightmares and I have no plans of cooking for this entire month.

#1.This creepy creature is not an ordinary one.

#2.It was not a crawly Tarantula.

#3.This gross creature is actually a monkey slug caterpillar.

#4.It is found all over the continental US.

#5.This creature turns into the awful hag moth over a period of time.

#6.It is extremely nasty and disgusting.

#7.The vibrating underbelly of the caterpillar makes it intolerable.

#8.They catch the preys using their tiny hairs.

#9.I think this woman immediately needs to shift to another house.

Watch the video of this crazy monkey slug caterpillar.

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