Tuesday, May 24, 2016

15 Dangerous Roads That No One Takes In Their Right Mind. Would You?

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Who doesn't like road trips, right? Exploring different places in search of an adventure. 
Someone once said, "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations." I don't know whether it's true or not, but driving on these dangerous roads will surely give you chills down your spine. But everyone should experience the mesmerizing view down the valley and the adrenaline pumping through your veins.
Just one little wrong turn and you go down the cliff. But don't worry, these roads are still lesser risky than the road to success.
But here is the list of 15 most dangerous roads of the world which are too adventurous that not every one of us has guts to drive on.

15. Hana, Hawaii.

14. Dalton Highway, Alaska.

13. North Yungas Road, Bolivia.

12. Taroko Gorge Road, Taiwan.

11. Fairy Meadows Road, Pakistan.

10. Skippers Canyon Road, New Zealand.

9. Tianmen Mountain Road, China.

8. Dakhla Oasis, Egypt.

Kinnaur Road, India.

6. Gotthard Pass, Switzerland.

5. Kolyma Highway, Russia.


4. Caucasus Mountain Road, Russia.

3. Guoliang Tunnel, China.

2. Eshima Ohashi Bridge, Japan.

1. Zojila Pass, India.

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