Tuesday, May 24, 2016

10 Inventors Who Were Killed By Their Own Inventions, Weird!

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Wouldn't you be excited if after hours of dedicated work, your invention actually comes through? These inventors simply wanted to reap the fruits of their hard labour and to enjoy their invention. But such cruel was their luck that they met with death when they did the same.
Destiny is such a bitc*!

#1.Max Valier, 1895-1930.

This guy was the inventor of a rocket engine. His invention in future served as the starting point of the building of the first spaceship engine. However, his death was caused sadly because of the same engine he created, as the first rocket car exploded, killing him instantly.

#2.Horace Lawson Hunley, 1823-1863.

This American Marine Engineer was the one to invent the first combat submarine, the CSS Hunley. And this seemed to give the south a major advantage in the American Civil War, and would have too, if only the Hunley and the other seven crew members would have been able to bring the sub back on surface.

#3.Thomas Andrews, Jr., 1873-1912.

Everyone knows the infamous ship, Titanic, but what about its builder? Well, it was Thomas Andrews, who had the 'honor' of travelling on the ship on its maiden voyage. Well, we all know how that ended!

#4.Karel Soucek, 1947-1985.

Soucek was a daredevil. In 1984, he jumped over the Niagara Falls in a home-made barrel, and yet managed to survive. However, when he attempted the same stunt one year later from the roof of the Houston Astrodome, his contraption failed him, and he died shortly after touchdown.

#5.Franz Reichelt, 1879-1912.

This guy invented what many jokingly call the 'Flying Taylor'. It was an aviator suit that was meant to double as a parachute in case of emergency. And although the contraption worked just fine with dummies, it failed when Reichelt strapped it on and jumped down the Eifle Tower.

#6.Marie Curie, 1867-1934.

She worked extensively in the field of radioactivity and contributed immensely. However, the course of her work led her to be exposed to lethal amount of radiation, that finally led to her death.

#7.William Bullock, 1813-1867.

This man was involved in the creation of the web rotary printing press, which would revolutionize the printing industry. However, in 1867, he met his demise when while installing a press, his leg got caught in the contraption, and developed gangrene. He died shortly on the operating table.

#8.Otto Lilienthal, 1848-1896.

His contributions to the aviation industry are so damn high that many people call him the 'Glider King'. He was involved in the creation of several winged machines, which looked more like bird wings than the glider wings we know today. However, he had the habit of testing his own contraptions, and this led to his demise when one of his contraptions failed and he ended up fracturing his neck.

#9.Aurel Vlaicu. 1882-1913.

He used to make several small aircrafts, or at least that was until he made the large-in-size Vlaicu II. However, the craft failed while testing, and crashed with its inventor in it, thus destroying itself and taking the inventors life with it.

#10.Jimi Heselden, 1948-2010.

First off, he is not the inventor of the Segway. He was just an entrepreneur, who ended up buying the company. Shortly after the purchase, he rode a Segway off a cliff, as he was unable to reverse the vehicle, and met his untimely death.

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