Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What This 11-Year-Old Girl Does After The Death Of Police Dog Will Amaze You

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An Ohio officer Ryan Davis has received thousands of letters since the death of his partner in crime- a K9 dog, Jethro. However, an 11-year old girl sent out a letter to Ryan which is heartbreaking. Check out the letter below:

Jethro had been Ryan's canine partner since he was 8-weeks old

Jethro had been Ryan's canine partner since he was 8-weeks old

Jethro was shot at one of the burglars in a robbery at one of the stores in January.

Jethro was shot at one of the burglars in a robbery at one of the stores in January.

When Allison heard about Jethro's death, she mailed Ryan a letter.

When Allison heard about Jethro's death, she mailed Ryan a letter.

The letter was also accompanied by a generous donation.

The letter was also accompanied by a generous donation.

The police department has decided to put her donation for good use.

The police department has decided to put her donation for good use.

The police department's other dogs are currently being fitted for brand-new vests — thanks, in part, to Allison's donation.

The police department's other dogs are currently being fitted for brand-new vests — thanks, in part, to Allison's donation.
We salute this wonderful gesture of Allison.

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